Version 4 > Developer Guides > Content Model > Tags and Indexes

Tags and Indexes

Keyword tagging has three components: indexes, keywords, and tags. 




content/index, content/keyword




An index is a dictionary of keywords that can be used for tagging content. You can maintain multiple distinct indexes on a site. For example, you could have a topic index (eg. science, history, literature), and a separate media type index (eg. video, audio, website).

Each index is its own a content object. It can display its keywords as a list (with a count of tags), or as a word cloud, where the keyword size is related to the amount of content tagged with the keyword. The index can be placed in the sitemap, and accessed through the menus, or it can be embedded into a sidebar for quicker reference using the Content module.

Indexes publish as directories, eg. http://yourwebsite/tags/


A keyword is a particular entry in an index, consisting of a word or phrase that can be associated with any content.

Each keyword is its own content object. The title and label are the keyword. It publishes as a file, eg. http://yourwebsite/tags/keyword.html

Viewing the keyword presents an index of all the tagged content under that keyword.

Keywords carry extra significance in search results. (If you search for the keyword, the content index for that keyword will rank highly in the results.)


A tag joins a piece of content to a keyword.

Tags are implemented using content aliases, which are a special content type that simply redirects to another piece of content when viewed.

To make an alias, set the content type to alias, and set the master/original to the content ID of the content you want to link to. Adding a tag is the same as adding an alias in this way; removing a tag is the same as deleting the alias.

Aliases do not have their own urls; they automatically link to the original content.

Tag Management

The Keyword Tags module provides a simple, easy-to-use interface to managing the tags on any content. By default it offers an index of fresh content for you to select from, or a treeview of all content to browse through.

The Modules::Content controller template also offers a generic tags tool, which just pops the above module up in an overview window for easy tag management.