Version 4 > Developer Guides > Database Schema

Database Schema

Content Management

The content management tables handle the storage, organization, and classification of website content.

Content (content)

The content table is the heart of the CMS. Every content record represents a single addressable piece of content in the website.

content_id key# Content ID
type key:content_type Content type
title string Title (how it appears in headings)
name string Name (how it appears in URLs)
label string Label (how it appears in menus and indexes)
url url Special URL - this will be used to link to the content. Note that specifying this does not actually create the URL. If it is a local URL, you must ensure that your webserver knows how to respond to this URL, such as by setting up an Apache redirect. This is also useful for creating pseudo-content objects that link off-site.
parent key:content Parent content ID - this determines this content's position in the site map.
template key=content Template content ID - this is used to format the content for display as a complete web document.
master key=content Original content ID - points to the source content that this content is representing, in the case of translations and aliases.
language list:language Language of this content, if not the default
sortkey string Sort Key - an alphanumeric string that is used to sort this content under the parent. Note that it sorts alphabetically, so if you use numeric keys, "10" will come before "2". If you wish to use numeric keys, used a fixed number of digits and add leading zeroes, eg. 0001, 0002.
access enum:access Access - the access level (from 0 to 8) that is needed to view this content.
hide set:hide Hide From - the content will be hidden from the selected content discovery mechanisms. Menu - the content will not be displayed in menus. Sitemap - the content will not be included in the site map. Indexes - the content will not be include in other content listings. Search - the content will be excluded from the local search index. Robots - the content will request that it be ignored by robots.
content_role list:content_role etermines who can manage this content: editors, designers, administrators, or users. Note that this is normally inferred from the content_type, but you can use this setting to override the default content_role.
publish list:publish Publish Rule - determines how this content gets published. Static - the content is written out to fast static files. Dynamic - the content is regenerated every time it is viewed. Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly - the content is static, but republishes automatically on this interval. None - the content is not published for public viewing.
status enum:content_status Workflow state - determines where the content is in the CMS workflow.
mtime timestamp When this content was last modified.
ctime timestamp When this content object was first created.
ptime timestamp When this content was published.

Content Dates (content_date)

The content_date table is used to track content date services, including scheduling and calendaring.

content_date_id key# Date ID
content_id key:content Content that this date is associated with
type list:date_type Date type, one of task, calendar, todo, log, other
description string Description
start datetime:picker The date (and optionally time)
end datetime:picker For date ranges, the end date (and optionally time)
status list:date_status Active for good dates, inactive otherwise.
For tasks, hourly, daily, weekly, and completed are also valid values.

Content Flags (content_flag)

The content_flag table tracks flags, which are boolean metadata that can be associated with any piece of content.

content_flag_id key# Flag ID
content_id key:content Content that this flag is associated with.
flag string The flag name. The presence of a flag name means that flag is turned on.

Content Likes (content_like)

The content_like table tracks user interest in content across the website.

content_like_id key# Like ID
content_id key:content Content that this like is associated with
uid key:user User who registered this like.
account key:account Account that registered this like - allows non-users to also record their likes.
value int Strength of the like (default is 1). Negative values are dislikes. 
ctime timestamp Time the like was recorded.

Content Types (content_type)

Every piece of content has a content_type which determines its core behaviours.

content_type_id key# Content Type ID
name string Name of content type
class string Viewer - the module that is used to display content of this type.
plugin string Controller - the module that is used to manage content of this type.
role list:content_role Role - what type of user is permitted to manage content of this type.
publish_as list:cnodetype_publish How this content gets published - as a file (eg. "/foo.html"), or as a directory (eg. "/foo").
publish list:publish Publish Rule - when this content gets published. Static (always published), dynamic (not published, always generated at the time it is viewed), never (not displayed to website visitors), or hourly/daily/weekly/monthly (automatically republished on the declared interval).
navtype list:navtype Navigation Type - how this content type is treated for navigation purposes. Page - primary navigation, shown in menus. Item - secondary navigation, shown in content listings. None - not used for navigation.
displaytype list:disptype Display Type - how this content is formatted into a web document. Raw - the content is sent directly to the browser. Formatted - the content is merged into a format before being used as the body of a page. Template - the content represents a complete web page template, into which other content will be inserted. None - the content is not displayed to visitors.

Content Views (cview)

The actual visible bits of content that get delivered to the end-user (such as text and images) are stored in the cview table.

cview_id key# View ID
revision_id key:revision Revision - which revision this view is associated with.
type list:view_type The size of the view, one of large, normal, small, thumbnail, or icon.
mime_type list:mime The MIME-type of this view.
format list:view_format The format of the data in the data field below. One of text (the data field contains text data), file (the data field contains an encoded file), url (the data field contains a URL), or path (the data field contains the path to a file on the server).
data mediumtext The content itself, in the format noted above.
attributes string Additional key=value pairs that further describe the content.

Content Relations (content_rel)

Content is organized hierarchically, with every piece of content nesting under a corresponding parent content. The content_rel table defines the rules for where each content type can be placed.

content_rel_id key# Content Relation ID
type key:content_type The content type that this relational rule applies to.
under key:content_type A content type that the above content is permitted to nest under.

Metadata (metadata)

Metadata are name-value pairs that can be associated with any piece of content.

metadata_id key# Metadata ID
name string Name
value text Value
id key:content The content ID that this name=value pair relates to.
mtime timestamp Last Modified timestamp
ctime timestamp Creation timestamp

Revisions (revision)

Every time content is altered, a new revision is added to the content. Older revisions are kept on file and can be recovered later, if needed.

revision_id key# Revision ID
content_id key:content The content that this revision belongs to.
uid key=user Who added this revision.
status enum:revision_status 0=approved, 5=draft. Draft revisions will never be published.
mime_type list:mime The MIME-type of this revision. (Note that alternative views can override this MIME-type.)
note text A comment/explanation for the revision system.
ctime timestamp Creation Time
ptime timestamp Publication Time

Search Index (searchterm, searchurl)

The CMS maintains a simple search index. Every searchable URL has one entry in the searchurl table, and every searchable term/word at that URL has an entry in the searchterm table.

searchterm_id key# Search Term ID
term string The word or term being indexed.
searchurl_id key:searchurl The searchurl record this term is found at.
weight int A relative weight to apply to this term.
searchurl_id key# Search URL ID
url string A URL that is included in the search index.
section_id key:content The section or website that this URL belongs to.
content_id key:content The content that is represented at this URL.
title string Used to describe this URL in search results.
description text Used to describe this URL in search results.
access int The access level you need to view this URL in search results.
language string The language of content at this URL.
type string A category of URL, to classify search results by content type, allowing for searches to restrict themselves to certain parts of the site such as blogs or forums.
mtime timestamp The last time this URL was indexed

Services (service)

You can install plug-ins on your website that perform special functions beyond what your CMS is capable of. In some cases, the plug-in will need a home in your site map so that there is a place where these functions can be performed. That home is called a service page, and plug-ins with a service page are called services.

A typical example of a service is a shopping cart - although you can purchase things all over your site, you need a page to go back to your cart and perform cart operations like removing items, or checking out. That page is the shopping cart service page, which you will typically link to using a shopping cart icon near the top of the page.

service_id key# Service ID
name string The module that is serviced at this page.
section_id key:section The section or website that this service is for.
page_id key:content The page that runs this service.

Users & Security

Users are the people who can log into your website. They can have many different access levels, roles, and permissions, but they broadly fall into two categories:

  • visitors: users of access level 4 and below, who can only access the regular website
  • executives: users of access 5 and above, who can also access the administrator control panels

Content Access Keys (content_key)

Content keys control access permissions to different parts of your website. They are typically used to grant administrator access to sections, but they can be assigned with more specificity than that, if needed.

content_key_id key# Key ID
content_id key:content The content that this key controls access to, typically a section. Permissions will extend to this content and all content underneath it.
uid key:user The user that this key is assigned to.
gid key:usergroup Keys can optionally be assigned to groups instead of individual users.
type list:key_type Grant - the key grants access to this content. Revoke - the key removes access to this content.
role set:role The role determines what sort of privileges are granted. Editor - keyholders can update editorial content. Designer - keyholders can update graphic design content. Administrator - keyholders can add, remove, and publish content. Reviewer - keyholders can approve or reject content. Owner - keyholder is a non-admin but is permitted to modify this content.
ctime timestamp When the key was issued.

Users (user)

Users are the login identities that people use to connect to website and get access to various permissions.

uid key# User ID
login string Login name, as entered into login forms.
password password Secret password used to prove your identity. Passwords are encoded according to the password_storage_method, so may not be directly readable.
name string User's full name
email email User's preferred E-mail address
access int User's access level (typically 1 - 8)
section_id key:content Users home site, a section ID. The login credentials are only valid in that section.
subscribe list:yn Consent to receive bulk email communications from the website
login_count int Number of Logins
last_login timestamp Last Login

Groups (usergroup, groupkey)

In some cases it makes sense to add users to groups, and then manage permissions/keys for the group. Examples include committees and boards of directors.

gid key# GID
section_id key=content Section that this group belongs to
name string Group Name
description text Description

Membership in a group is managed by groupkey records, which join the user and usergroup.

groupkey_id key# Group Key ID
gid key:usergroup Group this user belongs to
uid key:user User in this group
info string User's role in this group, for example committee chair, or president.
status enum:group_status Active, archived, or canceled.

System Tables

General system tables are used to manage low-level system functions.

Attributes (attribute)

The attribute table is a simple tool for extending the database schema using metadata-like key=value pairs that are associated with any table+record in the database. They are typically referenced using the preference utility, ie. $value=&preference($name,$tablename,$id). Note that $tablename and $id default to the current section if not specified, which means the &preference() function is a handy way to override configuration settings on a section-by-section basis.

attribute_id key# ID
name string Attribute name
value text Attribute value
tablename string The table this attribute is associated with
id int The record ID this attribute is associated with

Scheduled Tasks (crontask)

The crontask table defines any scheduled jobs you would like to run in your plug-in modules.

crontask_id key# Task ID
description string Description of this task
module string The plug-in module that will be asked to perform this task
command string 1st parameter that will be passed to the module, typically a command
type string 2nd parameter that will be passed to the module, typically an object type, table, or category
id string 3rd parameter that will be passed to the module, typically an object ID
method list:cron_method preset - the task should be run once
hourly, daily, weekly - the task should be run on a regular interval
exectime datetime:picker Execution time - for preset tasks, this is when the task should be run. For interval tasks, this indicates when it was last run.
uid key:user Assume this user's identity when running the task, to obtain the necessary permissions.
status list:cron_status Active - task is currently enabled. Inactive - task has been turned off and should be ignored. Completed - preset task has now been completed.

Saved Reports (report)

Any report can save itself so that it can be restored and viewed by admins. Note that saved reports are not "live" reports - they take a snapshot of the data at the time of the report. However, they are very quick to recover and view, since they do not require re-doing all the queries and computations. Note that reports are saved by the ExSite::ReportBuilder::save() method.


report_id key# ID
section_id key:content Website that this report is for
title string Title of the report
description string Additional information about the report
type string A simple classification or category for the report. Typically this is the name of the plug-in module that generated the report; this allows modules to recognize their own reports and distinguish them from others.
data data Raw (binary) report data
source url The URL at which this report was generated
parameters text The report parameters - ideally these can be posted to the URL to regenerate the report
schedule list:report_schedule How often to re-run this report, eg. daily, weekly, monthly.
ctime timestamp When this report was generated
expiry timestamp When this report expires

System Messages in Translation (sysmsg, sysmsg_alt)

Any text messages that are output by the system code may need to be translated into other languages. Example include headings, status messages, confirmations, errors and warnings, and so on. The system messages facility is a dictionary of all such messages that the system can display, mapped to their equivalents in the other languages supported by the system.

If you run a multilingual system, any text string that is displayed using the %msg facility while in another language mode will be added to the system message dictionary. The System Messages plug-in allows you to translate those messages to your other supported languages.

The sysmsg table is a listing of all the English-language messages that are available for translation.

sysmsg_id key# System Message ID
ctime timestamp Updated
message text English text string

The sysmsg_alt table carries translations of all the above messages.

sysmsg_alt_id key# Alternate Message ID
sysmsg_id key:sysmsg The English message that is translated here
ctime timestamp When this translation was last updated
message_alt text The translated message
language list:language The language of this translation

Tokens (token)

The token table is a simple tool for tracking persistent key=value pairs. The token is the key, and the code can use this to look up the value, using $token{$key}. This makes it easy to pass complex data around securely using simple tokens. It can be used for URL shortening, authorizations, captchas, encoding sensitive data in URLs or forms, or any other situation requiring secure communication of information.

The token table is optional; without this table, the persistent data store will be used for token management. In that case, tokens will be cleared if the store is ever reset, so long-term token persistence may be in doubt. If you have a token table, then tokens can persist indefinitely.

name key$ Key
value data Value
uid key:user UID - a user that can be associated with this token. This has no preset meaning, so it is up to your code to decide what to do with this information.
singleuse list:yn If 'y', this is a single-use token, and will be automatically removed after it gets looked up.
ctime timestamp Creation timestamp
expiry timestamp The token cannot be used after this date/time.

Trash (trash)

The system trash bin collects all deleted database records, allowing for them to be recovered if necessary. A single trash record encodes a single deletion, which may in turn consist of numerous distinct database records that were deleted at once. The trash data contains the deleted records in a format that allows them to be un-deleted if data recovery is needed. Since all records have unique primary key IDs, the un-deleted records should simply re-appear in their original locations.

Note that the deleted data is encoded in a mediumtext field, which usually allows up to 16MB of data to be encoded. This limit, and/or the limit on MySQL query sizes may truncate data in large deletions, preventing data recovery.

Trash records are generated by the trash methods (trash_key, trash_r) in ExSite::DB, and are recovered by the undelete method in the same.

trash_id key# Trash ID
ctime timestamp Date of deletion
description string Description
uid key=user Owner
data mediumtext Deleted data, encoded in a way to permit recovery


The e-commerce tables track customers, accounts, purchases, and payments.

Accounts (account)

An account represents a customer. If the customer logs in, we can re-use their account on each purchase, and build up a purchase history. If they do not log in, we treat them as a new customer on each visit.

account_id key# Account ID
section_id key=content Website that this account is for
uid key=user User login identity associated with this account
name string Customer Name
code string Optional account code, if you are also tracking this account through another system
taxcode string Tax-Exemption # - this purchaser may be eligible for certain tax exemptions if this is defined.

Accounting Codes (acctcode)

Accounting codes are used to classify purchases for purposes of reporting and calculating surcharges.

acctcode_id key# ID
code string A short text code for this category of purchase
description text A longer text description describing this category of purchase

Gift Cards (giftcard)

Gift cards are credits that can be used by buyers to get discounts on their purchases. The gift card can be pre-assigned to their account, in which case the credit will be earned automatically, or it can be typed in by the purchaser at checkout to claim the discount manually.

giftcard_id key# Gift Card ID
section_id key:content Website where this gift card is valid
account_id key:account Account that this giftcard is assigned to
acctcode_id key:acctcode Gift card can only be used on these accounting codes
glcode string Gift card can only be used on these GL codes
objtype string Gift card can only be used when purchasing items of this type
objid int Gift card can only be used to purchase this specific object ID
code string The gift card code that can be entered at checkout
description string This will be used to describe the discount on the purchase receipt
value money The total value of the gift card
expiry date The gift card must be used before this date
notes text The history of the gift card usage is logged here 

GL Codes (glcode)

The accounting system automatically generates its own general ledger (GL) accounting codes. If you have your own GL accounting codes, you can map the internal GL codes to your external accounting codes using this table.

glcode_id key# ID
icode string Internal GL Code
xcode string External GL Code
description string Description of these purchases

Payments (payment)

Payments are actual funds paid to you or by you.

payment_id key# Payment ID
account_id key:account Account that this payment is for
receivable_id key:receivable The specific purchase that this payment is for (optional)
date timestamp Date of the payment
amount decimal Amount of the payment - positive for payments from the customer, negative for payments to the customer (such as refunds)
method list:payment_method Payment method, eg. e-commerce, check/cheque, credit card, EFT, other
txid string Transaction ID - for e-commerce payments, the transaction ID from the payment processor
ident string Identifier - additional information to help distinguish this payment, such as cheque number, credit card type, last 4 digits
status list:payment_status Payment status - all good payments have a status of paid. Bad payments can have a status of canceled. Payments that could not be validated as either good or bad may get a status of suspicious, and will require manual reconciliation. If these are more than a day old, manual reconciliation may be necessary. Payments that are pending are waiting for their payment date to be processed. Payments that are archived have been retired and are no longer included in account statements or financial reports.
note text Optional extra information about the payment
uid key=user The user who entered this payment

Prices (price)

The price table is used to manage the price points of any sellable items described by the content table. This includes membership fees, registrations, product sales, order forms, courses, job postings, and others.

price_id key# Price ID
content_id key:content The purchased item
status list:price_status Active - the price is valid. Inactive - the price should be ignored. Priority - this price should be preferred over other valid prices.
description string Optional extra descriptive information about this price. Note that purchases are already adequately described, so this field should only be used to describe the price itself, in cases where it differs from the standard price. For example, "late fee", or "member rate".
cost money The actual price
acctcode_id key=acctcode Optional special accounting classification for purchases at this price point. Note that purchases have their own accounting classifications, so you should only use this to override those default accounting codes.
access enum:access The access level a buyer must have to get this price; use this to set special member pricing.
start datetime The price is only valid after this date/time.
end datetime The price is only valid before this date/time.
ctime timestamp When this price was set up.

Receivables (receivable)

Receivables describe whole purchases. Depending on context they can be called invoices, receipts, refunds, or shopping carts.

receivable_id key# ID
account_id key:account Account that made this purchase
entered_by key=user Who entered this purchase
type list:receivable_type Receivable - a purchase by the customer. Payable - a sale or refund to the customer.
date timestamp Purchase date
description text Optional extra descriptive information about the purchase
status list:receivable_status Active - this is a completed sale, and should be included in financial reports. Inactive - this is an incomplete sale (either a shopping cart, or an abandoned sale). Archived - this is an old sale that is no longer included in financial reports. Processing - this sale has been sent for e-commerce payment, but no response has been received. Canceled - this sale was canceled, and can be ignored. Advisory - this is a copy or reminder of a previous sale or amount owing, for purposes of collecting overdue amounts, and should not be construed as a new sale. Comp - payment of this invoice was waived, but the customer still received the items on it.
invoice string If this invoice corresponds to a 3rd-party invoice, you can record the other invoice number here.

Receivable items (receivable_item)

Every line item on an invoice/receipt is described by a receivable_item record.

receivable_item_id key# Item #
receivable_id key:receivable The receivable that this item belongs to
status list:receivable_item_status Active - this item is a normal part of the purchase. Readonly - this item is active, but cannot be altered using the normal shopping cart tools. Hidden - this item not displayed to the purchaser. Deleted - the purchaser removed this item from their cart, and it should be ignored for accounting purposes.
item string The purchased item name
description text Additional details about the purchased item
quantity decimal Quantity - if blank, a quantity of 1 is assumed, but is not editable. If set, the quantity can be altered in the shopping cart (unless the item is set to readonly).
size decimal Unit size of the item - this is used to calculate sized-based surcharges.
cost money Unit cost of the item - the item subtotal will be this times the quantity
acctcode_id key=acctcode How this item is classified for accounting purposes
acctcode2 string Sales Subcode - additional sales classification
acctcode3 string Sales Subcode 2 - additional sales classification
surcharge_id key=surcharge If this item is a surcharge, this points to the surcharge rule used to calculate it.
parent key:receivable_item If this is a bundled purchase, this points to the main item of the bundle. Removing the main item from your cart will usually remove the whole bundle.
uid key=user Who added this item to the receivable
note text Additional notes about the purchased item
objtype string Points to a record table that represents this purchased item
objid int Points to a record ID that represents this purchased item
country string Country for tax purposes, if different from the usual tax rules
provstate string Province/State for tax purposes, if different from the usual tax rules
fulfilled_by key=user Which user fulfilled this order
fulfilled_on datetime When the order was fulfilled
fulfilled_qty decimal The quantity of fulfilled so far

Surcharges and billing adjustments (surcharge)

Surcharges are extra costs/line-items that get added to an invoice during checkout. They include taxes, shipping costs, discounts, and other adjustments. The surcharge table is a collection of rules for how to compute surcharges. They are applied individually to each line item on the invoice.

surcharge_id key# ID
name string How the surcharge will appear on the receipt
apply_to key:acctcode Which accounting code this surcharge applies to
apply_to_gl string Which GL code this surcharge applies to
apply_to_objtype string Which object type (table) this surcharge applies to
apply_to_objid int Which object ID (ecord) this surcharge applies to
treat_as key:acctcode How the surcharge itself should be classified in financial reports
percent decimal The surcharge cost is this % of the item subtotal
peritem money The surcharge cost is this × the item quantity
perproduct money The surcharge cost is this, charged only once per line item
persize money The surcharge cost is this × the item quantity × the item size
perorder money The surcharge cost is this, charged only once per invoice
provstate string The surcharge only applies in this province/state
country string The surcharge only applies in this country
section_id key:content The surcharge only applies on this website
code string The surcharge only applies if the customer entered this coupon code
apply_if key:acctcode The surcharge only applies if the customer ALSO bought a different item with this accounting code
apply_if_gl string The surcharge only applies if the customer ALSO bought a different item with this GL code
apply_if_objtype string The surcharge only applies if the customer ALSO bought a different item of this type
apply_if_objid int The surcharge only applies if the customer ALSO bought a different item with this ID
min_quantity int The surcharge only applies if they bought this quantity or more
min_value money The surcharge only applies if the item subtotal is this or more
min_size decimal The surcharge only applies if the item size is this or more
valid_from datetime The surcharge only applies after this date/time
valid_to datetime The surcharge only applies before this date/time
status list:surcharge_status Active surcharges are in effect; inactive surcharges are ignored.

Event Management

Note that calendars, events, courses, and registration fees are handled by the CMS, and are represented by content records of the appropriate content type. 

Registrations themselves are treated as tickets, which are purchased via a registration fee.

Tickets (ticket, ticket_claim)

A ticket is a space that is available in an event for a participant. For limited-attendance events, there may be a fixed number of pre-generated tickets available, whereas for open events, new tickets can be generated in any number, as needed.

ticket_id key# Ticket ID
content_id key:content The fee that this ticket was purchased from
info string Special information about this ticket, such as seat #
status list:ticket_status active - ticket is available; inactive - ticket has not been released for sale yet
result list:ticket_result The outcome for this attendee: present, not present, pass, fail

A ticket claim represents an attempt to obtain a ticket. The claim may succeed if the ticket is acquired and paid for, in which case the claim status will be confirmed or reserved. Or the claim may fail if the payment doesn't go through, or the purchaser waits too long to confirm their purchase, in which case the claim status will be canceled. The legitimate ticket holder is the last ticket claim that is confirmed or reserved.

ticket_claim_id key# Ticket Claim ID
ticket_id key:ticket Ticket being claimed
account_id key:account Purchaser of this ticket
guest_account_id key:account Guest attendee this ticket was purchased for, if not the purchaser
status list:ticket_claim_status confirmed - ticket sale is complete; reserved - ticket has been sold, but not paid for; held - ticket is in someone's shopping cart, but they have not checked out; waitlist - event is sold out, but purchaser would like to be included if more tickets are released; canceled - ticket has been released from its previous claim, and can now be re-sold
parent key:ticket_claim If this ticket is part of a bundle, this points to the main ticket of the bundle
first_name string First Name of ticket holder
last_name string Last Name of ticket holder
dupekey int Used to distinguish between multiple ticket holders with the same name
response_id key=response Registration form response
ctime timestamp Date/time this ticket was purchased

Result (result)

The result table tracks e-learning outcomes in online courses.

result_id key# ID
content_id key:content The lesson or course this result was for
response_id key:response Exam/Quiz Response
uid key=user The user ID of the student
status list:result The learning outcome - pass, fail, complete, or incomplete
score int A numeric score, such as a % grade
grade list:letter_grade A letter grade
credits int CE credits earned
note text Notes
ctime timestamp The date and time the result was recorded

Address Book

The address book tracks all your contacts. Contacts are like address cards; they are a collection of contact information that is associated with a person, place, or organization. Contacts that are associated with accounts are presumed to be customer information, which is confidential (for example, billing addresses). Contacts that are associated with content is presumed to be contact information of relevance to website visitors, and may be displayed (for example, event venues).

Contacts (contact, contact_info)

A contact record represents one "bundle" of contact information.

contact_id key# Contact ID
content_id key:content Website content this contact is for
account_id key:account Customer account this contact is for
type list:contact_type The type of contact this record describes, eg. mailing, billing, office, home, etc.
name string Contact name or other routing information. Note that the contact name can be inferred from the contact or account name, so this field is optional. Use this to override the inferred name, or to provide additional context. For example, if the account name is a company, this column might further specify "Accounting Department" if this is a billing contact.
privacy enum:access Access level needed to view this contact record.
subscribe list:yn Whether or not the addressee wishes to receive bulk communications at this contact
category string Keywords or tags that can be used to classify this contact
notes text Additional information about this contact
ctime timestamp When this contact was added to your address book

A contact_info record represents one key=value pair of contact information that goes on this address card.

contact_info_id key# Contact Info ID
contact_id key:contact The contact record this contact information is for
name list:contact_fields The type of contact information in this record; one of: address, city, provstate, country, pcode, phone, fax, cell, email, website
value text The actual contact info corresponding to the selected name
privacy enum:access The access level needed to view this info. Optional, since the overall contact record also specifies an access level. This can be used to make certain pieces of info (such as home phone numbers) more private than the contact record as a whole.

Contact Lists (contact_list)

A contact list efines a set of contacts, which can be used for bulk communications like newsletters, notifications, and so on.

contact_list_id key# Contact list ID
section_id key:content Website this contact list belongs to
name string Descriptive name of this contact List
type list:contact_list_type Determines the rules for how to collect contacts for this list.
membership - contact list contains members of this organization
customer - contact list contains people who have purchased from you
registrant - contact list contains people who have attended your events
location - contact list contains locations from your website
other - custom rules
dupe list:contact_list_dupe all - include all contact records for each person; best one - only include one contact record per person,  based on completeness
unsubscribe list:contact_list_unsubscribe exclude contact records of people who have opted out of receiving bulk communications, or include those contact records
parameters text A set of form-encoded key=value parameters that are used to filter/select eligible contacts. The parameters depend on the contact list type.
include key:contact_list Another contact list that should be included as part of this one. This allows you to build large contact lists by daisy-chaining smaller ones.


Note that forms, quizzes, and questions are handled by the CMS, and are represented by content records of the appropriate content type. Responses that are submitted from those forms are managed by the response and answer tables.

Answers (answer)

An answer is the information provided for a single question in a form.

answer_id key# ID
response_id key:response The overall form response that this answer is part of
question_id key:content The question being answered
value text The answer that was provided

Responses (response)

A response is a complete set of answers for an entire form, as submitted by one person.

response_id key# ID
form_id key:content The form being responded to
parent key:response For multipart forms, the response to the previous form section
uid key=user The user who submitted this response
language list:language The language the respondent submitted in
note text Extra information about this response, such as where it was submitted from
status enum:response_status The response status, in cases where a response work flow is used. Can be any of completed, archived, pass, accepted, submitted, draft, returned, fail, rejected.
ctime timestamp Date/time the response was received


Simple Datatypes
DatatypeFormat/Allowed Values
text Long text data, including line breaks
string Short text data, no line breaks
var A single name consisting of letters, numbers, periods, and/or dashes; no spaces.
time HH:MM
datetime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
timestamp YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
email email address, eg.
url website URL, eg.
key a database record ID, typically an integer/serial number
int a numeric integer value
float a numeric floating point value
decimal a numeric value with a fixed number of decimal places
money a numeric value with 2 decimal places
password a secret string of text that should not be displayed
file a small file up to 48K in size
bigfile a large file
data unformatted/binary data
filepath complete path to a file

List datatypes permit one of a set of values. Set datatypes permit any number of a set of values. Enum datatypes permit one of a set of values, but store the value as a number rather than as a string.

List & Set Datatypes
DatatypeAllowed Values (separated by '|')
list:yn y|n
list:toggle on|off
list:language (site-defined)
list:gender male|female|other/non-binary
list:report_schedule n/a|daily|weekly|monthly
list:publish static|dynamic|hourly|daily|weekly|never
list:navtype page|item|none
list:disptype raw|formatted|template|none
list:view_type normal|large|small|thumbnail|icon
list:view_format text|file|url|path|alias
list:role editor|designer|reviewer|administrator
list:cnodetype_publish file|directory|n/a
list:content_role editorial|design|user
list:key_type grant|revoke
list:content_type_publish file|directory|never
list:date_type task|todo|calendar|log|other
list:date_status active|hourly|daily|weekly|completed|inactive
list:price_status active|priority|inactive
list:mime text/plain|text/html|text/css|image/jpeg|image/png|etc...
list: email_recipient_type notification|bulk email
set:hide menu|sitemap|indexes|search|robots
set:role administrator|editor|designer|reviewer|owner
enum:access 0:public|1:users|2:members|3:level 3|4:level 4|5:any executive-level|6:level 6|7:managers|8:sysadmins|9:root
enum:content_status 0:published|1:archived|2:queued|3:approved|4:submitted|5:draft|6:expired|7:canceled|8:rejected
enum:revision_status 0:active|5:draft
enum:group_status 0:active|1:archived|7:canceled