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Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Which browser should I be using? Do you recommend one?

posted on Jul 18, 2011
Since Google Chrome appeared on the scene, the browser war has become more heated than ever. The result is that browsers are better than ever for the end user. Since ExSite will run under any browser, we don't necessarily recommend a particular one, but it might be a good idea for you to do a little research to pick the browser that is best for you.

Here is a list of all available browsers, how they are rated, and what features each one offers.

How do I get my site highly ranked on Google?

posted on Jul 18, 2011

That's a tricky one. Search Engine Optimization is not an exact science as search engines all use different criteria that they keep updating and changing. However there are some best practices one should follow. You can find a useful list of tips by following this link.

One of the common best practice is to use relevant meta tags on your page, and ExSite does make it easy for you to edit your tags. Here is a brief tutorial on how to do so.

I've started to receive a lot of spam in my email. How can I prevent that?

posted on Jul 18, 2011

If your email address is listed on your site, then we can help. We have a special tool built for just this problem. The MailTo tool lets you add any clickable email address to your site, but hides it from any spambot that might pick it up and use it to send you spam.

For a brief tutorial on how to use it, follow this link: MailTo App.

I'd like to add an interactive map of our location in our site. Is that possible

posted on Jul 18, 2011

Yes, it's actually very simple. All you need to do is obtain the "Embed Code" from the site you're using, and then using our Insert Snippet Tool, place it on your page. Here are a couple of links explaining how to obtain the Embed code for GoogleMaps and Bing Maps:

  1. GoogleMaps
  2. Bing Maps

The Insert Snippet Tool actually makes it easy for you to add a lot of interactive content from the web ie: YouTube, Google Docs etc. As long as you can obtain an Embed code, you can place it on your site.

I've pasted content into my page, but the results are not what I expected.

posted on Jul 18, 2011

Are you posting from MS Word? If so, don't forget to use the Paste from Word tool in our HTML Editor. You can find a brief tutorial for it here.

Also try using the eraser tool to strip all the formatting, and then apply the formatting again. We also recommend using preformatted styles (ie: H1, H2, H3 etc...) as they have been styled to match the look of your site.

How do I make Internet Explorer remember my login/password?

posted on Jul 18, 2011

By default a window should pop-up and prompt you if you want to remember the password or not.

If this window no longer comes up: From Internet Explorer menu at the top of the browser go to Tools -> Internet options -> Content -> AutoComplete and turn on the option to remember usernames and passwords. 

I can't seem to centre content in the HTML Editor.

posted on Apr 8, 2011

You need to make sure that all of your content falls under a certain "block" setting, whether it be "paragraph", "H1" or "H3" etc....

To change text into a block, select the text in question with the cursor, click on the "block" dropdown and select the setting.

Once the text has been changed into a block, the centre alignment tool should work.

I've deleted a page by mistake? Have I lost it for good?

posted on Mar 28, 2011
No. Any content deleted in ExSite goes into the Trash bin, where it can be recovered. If for some reason you can't find your content in the Trash, every site using ExSite is backed up every night, so just give us a call and we can recover an older version of the site.

How do I track who's visiting my site? How many?

posted on Mar 28, 2011
We recommend you sign up for a free service like Google Analytics. Once you've obtained an embed code from Google Analytics, it's very easy using ExSite to add it to your website.

How do I add a YouTube video to my site?

posted on Mar 28, 2011
ExSite makes it really simple for you to add a YouTube video. Our WYSIWIG editor includes a Snippet tool which makes it very easy for you to add an "Embed" code which you can obtain from YouTube. For more information, watch this tutorial.


google (5 items)
RSS (3 items)
SEO (3 items)
plug-in modules (28 items)
IT (9 items)
best practices (5 items)
visual tutorial (29 items)
security (3 items)
data handling (7 items)
fundamentals (3 items)
graphic design (19 items)
web protocols (9 items)
programming (48 items)
html formatting (7 items)
POD (32 items)
events (8 items)