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website administration

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Items tagged with website administration

Billing Adjustments
A surcharge is an adjustment to the total of an invoice, whether positive (add-on cost) or negative (discount)...
Web Forms
The Web Forms plug-in allows you to create, edit, and publish forms on your website, and use them to collect data for various purposes, including but not limited to: Responses can be saved to the database and/or emailed to a list of addresses...
Forums are places where your website visitors can engage in discussions on topics of their choosing...
Financial Reports
The Financial Reports module allows you to generate summary reports of your e-commerce activity...
Inserting Anchors
A short visual tutorial describing how to insert anchor links within a page.
Inserting and Editing Tables
A short visual tutorial describing how to insert and edit tables using the HTML editor.
Introduction to the HTML Editor
A short visual tutorial describing how to edit pages using the HTML editor
Classifieds Module
The Classified Module allows members to post listings to each other and/or the public. Classified postings can be pre-approved by admin via moderation or posted immediately. Postings remain visible for 30 days.
Advertising Module
For each banner ad(w/ tracking turned on), the module will track: Once the banner ad budget has been used, the system will automatically disable the ad. The system will automatically send an email notification to the system administrator.
Introduction on renaming/editing document or image folders
A short tutorial describing how to edit Document or Photo Album folders.
How to add SEO Meta Tags to your website
A short tutorial describing how to add SEO tags to your website.
How to add Google Analytics code to your website.
A short tutorial showing you how to quickly add the Google Analytics code to your website.
Login Module
This plug-in provides a number of convenience tools for managing login state...
Password Best Practices
The biggest security hole on your website is your login form...
Survey Module
The Survey Module lets you add forms and survey pages to your website which users can fill out...
Publish Module
The Publish Module gives you a shortcut to the Publishing tool if you are outside of the My Website Module and/or Website Manager Module. Simply click on the Publish Module icon, and then select the area of the website you would like to publish. Click on the appropriate icon and the area will be published.
Event Manager
The ExSiteâ„¢ Event Manager assists you in promoting and managing your event online...
Membership Module
*Active, Pending and Comp members will automatically show up in the Member Directory unless the member has select "hidden" from the visibility drop down...
Introduction to the ExSite Administrator Interface
A short visual introduction to the ExSite WebWare interface.
Introduction to the My Website Module
A short visual tutorial describing how to use the My Website Module.
RSS Feed Module
The RSS Feed Module allows you to easily an external RSS feed to your website, giving you an quick and easy way of providing your visitors with useful information and keeping your website current...
Home Page Module
The Home Page Module provides you with a quick way of accessing the home page of your website in a new window.
Calendar Module
The Event Calendar allows you to quickly add a calendar to your website...
Members Module
The ExSite member manager tool allows you to create, modify, and delete member accounts for logging in to the members-only areas of your website...
The Trash bin provides temporary storage of deleted data...
Webalizer Module
The Webalizer is a fast web server log file analysis program...
To-Do List
This plug-in asks all of the other plug-ins on the system if they have any outstanding work that needs to be attended to by the current user...
System Messages Module
This plug-in module allows the system administrator to customize system messages that are printed out by various components and plug-ins...
Using the HTML Editor
ExSite's HTML editor allows you to edit and format HTML content right in your browser...
Menus Module
The Menus Module provides an easy drag-and-drop interface for configuring your menus.  Pages are set up in a hierarchical structure, allowing you to group pages by topic.  The drag-and-drop interface allows you to: This interface is just a convenient UI for changing the parent_id and page_rank parameters of each page. 
Payment Module
The Payments module provides a general-purpose interface to your accounting system...
Catalog Module
Product Back 1...
Zine Module
The Zine Module is an application for creating and managing (e-)Zines...
How to add "spambot safe" email addresses
A short visual tutorial describing how to add email links to your website that will be "spam" safe.
Introduction to the Event Calendar Module
A short visual tutorial describing how to add and configure events using the Event Calendar Module.
Introduction to the Documents Module
A short visual tutorial describing how to use the Documents module.
How to add a Sitemap to your website
A short visual tutorial describing how to add a sitemap to your website.
How to make your site searchable and add a search field
A short visual tutorial describing how create a search index for your site and adding a search field to your pages.
How to add and configure new pages
A short visual tutorial describing how to add and configure pages in ExSite Webware.
Introduction to the Insert Link tool
A short visual tutorial describing how to insert links to a webpage. It also quickly summarizes the different types of links available.
Introduction to the Insert Images tool
A short visual tutorial describing how to insert images into a webpage.
How to add a Google search form into your site
A short visual tutorial describing how to add a Google search form to your website that will bring back results in a Google page.
How to automatically add a list of Documents to your website
A short visual tutorial describing how to add a list of documents to your website using the Documents Module.
How to add an Event Calendar to your website
A short visual tutorial describing how to add an event calendar to your website.
Website Manager Module
The website manager is the application that is used for: This document serves as a guide to the various site editing features contained within the Website Manager...
My Website Module
My Website is a web application that gives you a simple and friendly way to manage your website content...
Photo Albums
The ExSite Photo Album tool allows you to easily manage and update albums of images...
Email addresses in hyperlinks are clearly visible in the HTML code, and easy for spambots to harvest, eg:  Email me...
Introduction to the Photo Albums Module
A short visual tutorial describing how to use the Photo Albums module.
Email Module
The email notifications tool allows you to broadcast e-mail messages to all members of your website...
Introduction to the e-Zines Module
A short visual tutorial describing how to use the e-Zines Module.
Documents Module
The ExSite document manager tool allows you to create, modify, and delete documents in a document library on your website(s)...
Introduction to the Survey Module
A short visual tutorial describing how to add and configure Surveys using the Survey Module.
Revision Management
When you update content in ExSite, a new revision is created...
Static vs. Dynamic Content
This document provides an overview of the differences between static and dynamic content, how ExSite manages these, and various tricks you can use to mix and match them...
Understanding Sections
Sections are an important tool for organizing your website's content and security...
Using Search
ExSite's content management system has a built-in search subsystem that lets you perform keyword searches across all of your content and data...
Scheduled Publishing
ExSite has a few features that allow you to automatically publish or republish pages at set times or intervals...
Managing Large Files
Large files are a problem on the web, because they take so long to download...
Using RSS feeds
RSS ("Really Simple Syndication") is a way to subscribe to web content in an efficient, flexible, and convenient way...
ExSite includes features to blast out fully-formatted newsletters...
Manage your database records at a low level.
Add large files to your site.
Solicit email comments from your readers.
Advanced Content Management
Switch between different languages.
Make a printer-friendly view of the page.
Displays a photo album as a thumbnail gallery.
Puts a Google search form into your site.
DMenu generates dynamic drop-down menus.
SimpleMenu generates context-sensitive menus and site maps in various formats.
How this site was designed in ExSite
The redesign of the ExSite Support Site offers up a good real-world example of how to set up and install a new graphic design completely from scratch...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
It is easy to make your ExSite web pages search-engine friendly, and to optimize your search engine placement using the CMS tools...
Blogs (short for "Web Logs") are a special type of content management that has proven to be extremely popular...
Photo Albums
The Photo Album plug-in gives you a convenient and easy-to-use interface for managing your website images and photo collections...
A wiki is a collection of web-based articles that can be updated by their readers...
Working with Plug-ins
Plug-ins (sometimes called Modules) are programs that ExSite can call to perform tasks or generate content that the core system is not designed to do.
Editing Best Practices
When entering new content into your web site, certain practices are best followed to ensure you end up with professional-looking and maintainable results...


google (5 items)
RSS (3 items)
SEO (3 items)
plug-in modules (28 items)
IT (9 items)
best practices (5 items)
visual tutorial (29 items)
security (3 items)
data handling (7 items)
fundamentals (3 items)
graphic design (19 items)
web protocols (9 items)
programming (48 items)
html formatting (7 items)
POD (32 items)
events (8 items)