Note: Rotating banners are different on each site. This includes size, captions, and overall design. The designer will provide specific instructions for your site. Below is a general guide on how to update a rotating banner.
How to Upload Images to Photo Album (also Edit and Delete)
- From the Control Panel, go to the Photo Albums module.
- Upload optimized images to the album (e.g. Home Page Banners). Each image should be the same size. You can either bulk upload or upload each one individually.
- If uploading individual images, under Resize Image, select, do not resize if the image is already set to a desired size.
- Submit and Publish the album
- Within Photo Albums, you can also delete and edit existing banners by using the adjacent icons.
- Publish the home page for the changes to occur. To publish, go to My Website, click on Options[+], and then click the green arrow. You may need to hard refresh the home page to see the change
How to Add a Caption
If your website's home page banner contains captions, here's how to update them.
- Within Photo Albums, Click the bubble icon next to the image you want to update to add a caption. It will contain some HTML to format the link and text so it may be easier to view an existing banner's caption, copy and paste it over, and then change the text. The "#" beside Learn More will be the URL of where your want the link to go to.
How to Hide a Banner
- From the control panel, go to the Galleries module.
- Find the home page banner gallery (e.g. Home Banners)
- Click on advanced config in menu
- In the right hand column, you'll see a list of banners - check 'hide'
- Once done, click "submit" in left hand column
- Publish site
(don't forget when looking at live site to see change, you must refresh - CTRL F5)
How to Make the Banner a Clickable Link:
If your banner doesn't include captions, you may want to make it a clickable link.
- From the control panel, go to the Galleries module.
- Find the home page banner gallery (e.g. Home Banners)
- Click advanced config in menu
- In right hand column you'll see a list of banners with a URL field
- Place the URL in the field. If it links to an external site, change "Links open in" to New Window.
- Submit
- Publish the home page
How to Change the Order of Rotating Banners:
- From the control panel, go to the Galleries module.
- Find the home page banner gallery (e.g. Home Banners)
- Under “Sort Images By”, choose if they should sort by Name, Newest to Oldest, or Oldest to Newest. Sorting by Name considers the actual image file name in Photo Albums and sorts in alphabetical order.
For example. 1-banner.jpg would come before 2-banner.jpg.
How to Control the Transition Speed
- From the Control Panel, go to Galleries
- Click on the album that contains your banners
- Click on advanced config
- On the left side, update:
- Transition delay (in seconds)
- Transition duration (in seconds)
Transition delay is how the long the banner will show before changing to a new one (default: 5 seconds)
Transition duration is the speed of the change (default: 0.5 seconds)